Friday, April 3, 2009

My Twilight scene..

Flash back.

1996 - During your secondary school, what’s your favorite band? Local band. During my teenage time *I was 16 years young, then*, I loveeeee SLAM. Huhu. Looking back then, Zam *my one year junior* and me memang gile abis kat SLAM. I like the band, songs, while Zam of course like Zamani. Mentang-mentang kononnye name same. I still remember when she got her first salary, she buy this gold necklace with “Zamani” in her pendant. Memang giler!

2009 – Now, I am 29 years young *still young you see* and still listening to SLAM. Unbelievable eh? While driving back home *from office*, it was raining, and what’s more jiwang than hearing all their best songs? Tangkap syahdu beb! Jalan Kuching, normal la.. Hujan je, jammed. Actually if not raining pun jammed as well.. hehe

It was twilight *senjakala*.. raining..
While listening and singing.. la la la la la..

Izinkan aku titiskan.. airmata keresahanku, di cengkam kerinduan yang tak bertepi.. la la la la la”

I know my voice suck, but I’m karaoke-ing by myself.
*ish. Makin lebat lak hujan nie..* har har har *please say it’s nothing to do with me aite..*

All of sudden, DANG!!!!

“Wargh!!!!!!!!!!! Sape plak langgar kete aku nie!! Siol!! ****** *********”

There is one motorcyclist try to menyelit, tapi ampehnye pegi langgar bumper belakang kete aku. Nak keluar, hujan plak. Aiseh. Motor tu plak dengan laju nye pecut..

All the way back home, tak abis2 aku menyumpah. Spoil mood aku menyanyi. Geram!!

Wei pakcik WPN something something, siap la ko!! *too bad tak hapal whole plat number*

Alhamdulillah, nothing much actually. Calar sikit jer.. Aku je yang terlebih kecoh.

To Zam: Selamat pegi dan balik.. *She went to Hong Kong and Shanzen.* Dun you dare forget my fridge magnet!! hehe.. Hmm, ko jangan sangkut ngan len chai kat situ gak, kang aku jeles! huhu..


FAM said...

akak sikit pun xminat kt zamani & slam. akak suka bsb dan n'sync and kru. hahahahah!!!

Cutestamoi said...

Fatin: KRU?? Ha.. bole la ko geng ngan An.. hahaha. Aku tetap suke Slam (lagu-lagu nye..)