Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I'm currently away and busy

Hello everyone. Good morning..

I'm currently away and busy due to..

Twilight: Director's Notebook.

The Story of How We Made The Movie based on the novel by Stephenie Meyer

by Catherine Hardwicke

This book is small! I compare with my 15" laptop..

I thought it was A4 size or something.. hehe

Please ignore my tembam fingers. hehe.

MPH cashier check the content of this book, and she said..

"Ini je ke dalam buku nie? Ramai tau kak yang beli buku ni.."

Me: Smirk and just pay.


FAM said...

Ya Allah, penangan twilight. ko dh pi habaq ke mimielola? hehehe

Cutestamoi said...

hahaha. An pun dah speechless kot I guess. Sat lagi aku habaq kat ML. huu

MeL C said...

err... cutest, u better hope the publisher dun find ur site... cos New Moon Movie published photos of the inside pages, and they got a letter from Cat's publisher asking them to take it down...

Cutestamoi said...

Mell: Seriously? Ok. Owh, scary mary la they all nie.. Hell yeah, they did mention in the book 'All Right Reserved, bla bla bla..' Huu.. thanks Mell!

moze said...

Speechless? Sori ler syg. I'm not speechless. Just mls nak layan org tgh angau benda senja-senja ni. Baik layan MU lagi bagus. heheh