Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My weekend review

Owh, penatnye weekend saya bebaru nie.. Penat memasak? Owh.. Jauh sekali.. Since my mom ade, she helped me cook. Or actually I helped her cook. Hahaha. Since my future sis in law pun ade, ape lagi.. Gua yang kaki buli ni suh die wat nasik goreng. Ok la, better than mine. But definitely cannot beat my hubby’s. hehe.

We went to Semua House, Jalan TAR on Saturday. It’s been a while... I hate it when my brother cannot decide what his color theme is. If I’ve been the one who can decide, surely I’ll choose green. But I can’t, since my future sis in law pick green as her theme. Huh. so.. I’d choose brown. Lantak kau la labu.. Now I’m in the middle of making his hantaran, pening! Dah lame mak tinggal keje2 wat barang hantaran nie.. hehe..

Since ABPBH on air last Sunday, no Merlin. Benci! I’m not a big fan of Malaysian artists. So please don’t ask me who won the best dress, too sexy, sape yang pakai ala-ala berkemban, bla bla bla. I don’t care and don’t want to know. Period.

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