Friday, April 10, 2009

Minasan, ape uols buat every Friday?

Usually on Friday, what you all will be doing?
I reach office a bit early today. Owh, apparently Chinese celebrating Full Moon today, while Christian celebrate Good Friday. Padan la kurang jammed.. huu..

K-20, Takeshi Kaneshiro new movie has released yesterday. Since my families are coming to town this weekend, I have to wait patiently until next weekend la eh. Sabar separuh dari iman.. huuuu..

So Friday ya.. Since my mom is coming.. The first basic thing I’ve done this morning was……


Upacara memotong kuku!! !!
Yeah. Hahaha. My nails always on the ‘long’ side, rather short one. Why? Sebab akakkkk suke bela kuku. One of the reasons why I dun like cooking kot? Hehe..

Tapi pape pun, my mom said she will cook at my house. I love u mommy!! So I just prepare potong my kuku la, just in case. hehehe :p


FAM said...

that's explain the 'jalan lengang' today!

Ms Lola said...

I pun suka bela kuku, ok.. Rasa tak selesan kuku pendek.