Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Saye redho...

................... dalam paksa..... Boley? Huuu...

Yesterday, I received internal email.. Camni email nye..

"The mileage claim rate has been revised from RM0.80/km to RM0.60/km for cars and from RM0.45to RM0.25 for motorcycles while fuel reimbursement has been capped at a maximum RM500.00 a month for non-sales employees and RM600.00 for sales employees. This will take effect from 01 July 2009."

Sob sob sob..

Tu la, selama ni dok seronok claim 8kupang.. Nikmat duniawi.. sementara jer..
Sabo je lah!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Setiap ari Senin..

Saye mesti buat nie..

Surfing this website

Checking the stages, what the baby's development, and all that.

So this week is the 16th week.. so..

"Your baby is now around 15cm long and has tiny little fingernails and toenails at the end of their growing hands and feet. Although it may be still too early to feel your baby inside you, they can now turn their head and exercise all 40 sets of muscles. Although their eyelids are still closed, they can sense light from outside their cosy little world."

Mak syahdu... eh.. terharu.. eh no.. ape eh the right word? Wordless. Hehe.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Evening sickness

Owh. Apekah title aku yang merapu-rapu nie?

My *rare* morning sickness has been shifted to evening sickness. So far, today only lah. Alhamdulillah, as for now, in my 16th weeks, jarang-jarang nak mual.. But today exception case. Perhaps because of my divisional meeting just now kot. In a small room, a lot of people, a lot of smells, eeuwww.. so dapat la pening-pening.. mual-mual.. Sabo je la.

So I can't drive home yet. Maybe I can blogging and divert my nauseous. Huhu.

Well, last weekend we went to my grandma's.. Cannot call kampung anymore coz dah umah my nyaie *hope you all know how to pronounce it correctly* dah upgrade. Lebih maju dari umah my parents *of coz la, coz my parents dok kat tanah rancangan, or tanah felda, even though it is now call kampung, not Felda or RTBK anymore*. My grandma wants to upgrade her house due to my cousin will hold her reception there *she got 3 receptions tell you*. Hehe. Since my cousin's father *my uncle* is the only son alive, so his daughter has to hold the kenduri at our kampung lah.

So along,.. Pasni ko mesti balik kampung selalu. Coz nyaie buat umah tu *among others reason* coz nak wat reception ko tau. Hehe.

Ni gambar lame.. Mase ni tahun 2007, where An & I were celebrated our first raya together. Ni gambar umah lame..

This is the latest pic.

Mintak-mintak la sempat siap umah nie before Along's wedding 05072009.

P/s: huu.. this post was supposed to post on 22nd June, tapi delay pulak.. Hehe

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Happy Father's Day

21.06.09 - Father's Day.

Who's your father?

My father is Tuan Haji Ab Basir bin Muhamad.

Ab bermaksud Abdul. Tak tau kenape spelling die jadi Ab. Usually kan Abd. My father is very particular about the spelling. Dulu-dulu mase sekolah penah la cikgu tulis name die Abd. Bapakku bising tak hengat. So I have to tell my teacher and get her to amend. Huhu..

Any other father?

Of course. My father in law. His name, Zainal bin Elias.

My father, we called him abah.. Kalo tengok orangnye, pretty scary. Muke die garang. Walhal kan die sebenarnye seorang yang lawak. I guess I heritage some gen from him on that. Hehe. Mase aku darjah 5 dulu, my mom pegi kursus cikgu for 6 months. My brother dah masuk sekolah menengah Sains Teluk Intan time tu. My sister baru darjah 1. My other brothers time tu kene 'export' gi Parit Raja. My grandma took care of them. So tinggal la kitorang 3 beranak kat umah time tu. Mase tu baru la aku tau, bapak aku masak sedap! Lebih sedap dari mak masak. Huhuhu..

Antara kenangan yang tak berapa nak indah mase dulu, zaman dulu mak abah tak bagi kertas lukisan kan, so kitorang adik beradik melukis la kat dinding umah.. Adoi.. Nak pecah tangan kene rotan ngan abah, pastu kene cuci balik semua hasil seni tu. Of coz la tak hilang.. Huu sedih sadis tol..

Aku penah kene rotan ngan abah pasal aku ni nakal sangat. Tak padan ngan pompuan. Huuu.. Disebabkan kenakalan aku mase sekolah rendah tu laa abah ngan mak decided to send me to sekolah menengah agama, suh jadi orang. Alhamdulillah, aku berjaye jadi orang. Walaupun nakal kat sekolah, mak abah tak tau... Aku penah keluar malam *gi beli burger* siap terbalikkan tudung labuh tu, so nampak la cam tudung 3 segi, panjat pagar, kawan ngan bebudak laki kat luar *sekolah aku all girls* pegi sekolah SERATAS jumpe budak laki *penpal*, pegi MRSM Taiping jumpe budak laki *pet brothers*, haih. Macam-macam la aku buat dulu. Tapi tak penah kantoi ngan parents. Hihihi. Untuk makluman, aku ialah seorang pengawas kat sekolah. Muahahahahaha.

Mase An first time nak jumpe abah, aku dengan sengaje menakut-nakutkan die. Seronok tol. Kelam kabut laki aku mase tu bace buku asas fardu ain, etc. Heee.. Walhal bile dah jumpe, abah ialah seorang yang amat peramah and pastu aku kene marah ngan An. Hehe.. Abah sampai sekarang masih pening ngan name An. Mase nak nikahkan An dulu *abah nikahkan sendiri anak-anak pompuan die* abah ngan condifent *confident* sebut name An 'Mohd MOHEZAN', walhal kan name laki aku Mohd Mozehan. Adoi.. Tu la abah. Konon nak gempakkan An mase nikah, last last die yang gempaq sendiri. Hihihi. Last month abah gi tulis name An MOHEZAN again. Lucky my mom was there. Abah abah.. Sekarang ni abah panggil An 'Dato', I guess sebab die takut ter-confuse lagi kot. Mane tau kot-kot masin mulut abah An dapat Datuk-ship, uiiii jadi Datin la aku! Har har har..

My FIL plak sorang yang rajin berkebun, sensitive type of person. Kene berhati-hati sket kalo cakap ngan ayah. Oh yeah, I called him Ayah. So sorang abah, sorang ayah. Hehehe. Ayah jenis tak suke tinggalkan umah, so die rather left alone kat umah dari ikut mil aku jalan-jalan. Kesian gak ayah selalu kene tinggal. Kalo 2-3 ari An tak call, ayah yang akan call An. Huhu. Ayah sometimes suke gak provoke aku ngan isu-isu politik. Die tau menantu die seorang opponent. Hehehe.

Hmm.. future father, my husband la. I know he will be the greatest dad in the world. And thank God I found him. I'd rather not get married than marrying someone else but him. Abang, I love you so much..

Abah - thank you for bring me up by the way you did. I won't be who I am today if you didn't do 'damage control' after sekolah rendah. I love you abah.
Ayah - seronok dapat ayah camnie. Dalam tepon, suara ayah amat lah sedap. Cam orang mude. Muehehehe.

Happy Father's Day to abah, ayah and abang.. and to all fathers out there..

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gonna miss this..

Dulu, mase tahun 2006, I pegi.. Mase tu pegi ngan sape eh? Esah kot rasenye.. Time tu, my potential bf *now my hubby* pun pegi gak.. huuu.. Memang best time tu. From 3rd class kitorang leh dapat tempat kat first class. Ni sume gara-gara cowok Indon mengamuk runtuhkan pagar.. huhuhu..

Second time, last year, 16 Ogos 2008. Tak ingat la plak apsal tak pegi.. Hmm..

This year, I'm gonna totally miss it. Confirm! Niat di hati memang nak pegi... Tapi.. apekan daya.. sob sob sob..

What I'm talking about nie?

Ni haaa..

I like Indonesian band. Lagu-lagunye segar, menarik, meleleh yang tak jiwang. Huhu. Lagu-lagu band Malaysia I layan gak. Cume nye terase cam banyak yang copycat lagu-lagu dari seberang.. So I might as well stick to Indonesian band je kan? Muehehehehe.

Sesape yang pegi, enjoyss!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Good morning all.

This morning I received this email yang membuatkan mak sentap pepagi buta nie..

Sekadar renungan buat kaum ibu, bakal-bakal ibu termasuk diri aku sendiri.

"Kepada para ibu yang bekerja *ataupun tak bekerja* yang mempunyai pembantu rumah *bibik senang kate*. Soalan nye:

"Gambar di samping mewujudkan perasaan kasih sayang seorang.. "

huuu.. Rase nye ni bukan local made nie. Huu.. Dari seberang gak nie..


'Bilakah kali terakhir anda membelai anak anda?'

Wang ringgit dan kemewahan bukan lah pengukur untuk menunjukkan kasih sayang anda..
Jangan nanti sampai ade..


Renung-renungkan.. Dan selamat beramal!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Stretch mark

It’s common for those who are pregnant, gain weight, etc to have stretch mark, aite? Well, I haven’t got mine yet since preggie nie. But then few friends already recommended some lotions to be applied to reduce appearance of stretch mark nie.

I went to Watson, Ampang Park to buy Palmer’s Cocoa Butter for Stretch Mark. Sambil pusing-pusing dalam Watson tu carik bende lain, there is SA (Sales Assistant) notice I hold this lotion and told me:

“Dik, Palmer’s punye lotion ni tak bagus la. Cube adik pakai Pureen nie. Die ade bla bla bla la.”

She still continue.. “Cocoa Butter nie tak bagus, because dia takde macam yang Pureen ader….”

Bengkek tol aku. Sukati la aku nak pakai ape. Perut aku, not yours! Sometimes I cannot stand SA yang kerek dan perasan bagus camnie.
Sebagai budak sales, aku pun tau la camne nak promote our products / services, tapi jangan la sampai bad mouth your competitor.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Nak beli...


Due to my Stila foundation stink, I have to replace it.. *since ancient time lagi, tapi tak pegi beli pun lagi nie.. huuu*

Any suggestion on foundation?
I've tried Paul & Joe, Bobbi Brown, Clinique, MAC.

I'm open to any suggestion.

Thank you! muah muah.


58 perkataan

Click here to test Speed test

Huu.. :)

Monday, June 8, 2009

My temperature.. ??

Rase nye ari nie paras darah saye telah naik sedikit sebanyak ngan karenah-karenah manusia di sekeliling..

1) Kene jemur tengah panas - tunggu my boss fetch for lunch. Suh turun 10 min, I turun after 15 min, kene tunggu die around 20 min kat bawah. Hanginnn!! Masuk-masuk aje KIA - RIA dia yang sejuk tu pun rase hangat membara! Padan muke kene sembur. Among my sentences:

'U ni dari Shah Alam ke hape?'
'I dah kire sampai seribu u tak sampai-sampai lagi' - my boss suh kire sampai 60.. *ingat aku bebudak ke hape*
'U tau tak I pregnant?' - ayat biase kalo aku hangin.

2) Ex-schoolmate yang memang pain in the ass.

'Finally ko pregnant eh. Ko wat fertility ker?'
- ni ade lah komen tahap paling aku takleh terima. Bloody betul mangkuk nie. Aku rase nak nangis memule mase bace ayat minah nie. Bangsat betul.
Puas ati aku dapat maki die kat FB tadi.. huuu.. Hangin.

Gile ah. Tak penah aku rase marah gegile camnie. *memang la aku kaki angin, tapi tak penah lagi aku rase aku marah orang camtu*..
Sensitip ooo.. Sape tanak anak, jangan silap tanye soalan. Different people different rezeki. Mentang-mentang ko kawen terus preggie, nak berlagak ngan aku ke aper? Tu nikmat sume Allah bagi sementara aje tau tak? Kalo kene tarik, haa.. Baru tau langit tinggi rendah.

Putus kawan pun aku tak heran.



Alahai PTPTN..

Kenape la dulu tak apply JPA? Bukan nye tak layak, CGPA mase matriks sangat la membanggakan.. tapi sebab malas nak balik kampung, mintak mak macam2 akuan, isi borang itu ini.. leceh. So I've decided to take up PTPTN. Mase tu..

'alah.. RM 200.++ per month bukannye banyak pun.. sure bole bayar punye la..'

HARAM!! Dah almost 5 years working nie, nak kate bayo tiap2 bulan, jauh panggang dari api..

Kenape jugak tak dapat 3.5 CGPA mase grad? Otherwise leh convert jadi scholarship. CGPA 3.2 jeeeekkk! Ei eii.. Tu la busy ngan 'social life' kat uni.. hoo hoo..

Last Friday check status kat website.. From RM 26,000 my loan dah jadi RM 29,000 plus plus. Mak dah keriau *menangis* abis-abisan dah nie. Insap.. Nak bayar la. Tak baik ek. Pinjam pandai, nak bayar liat kemain!

Abangku, pasni.. orang kene bayar duit PTPTN. Either I have to pay or you have to visit me in jail.. Hooooo..

Insap giler! Pasni for my future kids, they have their own education fund. Insya Allah..

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Saye tengah tak sehat ni.. Flu. Jangkit ngan budak opis..
Seksa nye nak tido malam. Even dah makan ubat selsema pun tak jalan gak. Ingatkan leh la pengsan, terbangun gak tengah malam.. Sian cik abang kene gerak. Huu..

Hidung dah merah. Opismate tegur 'macam dah nak beranak'. Siot jer. Sebbek tak kate cam badut, kalo tak.. Mau kene hempuk. Huhu.

Yang best, ari ni nak gi lunch ngan En Anuaruddin, his wifey Munira, and their son, si keletah Wise. Semalam lunch date ngan Esah kat KLCC. Esah, thanks for belanja lasagne yang sedap itu! Hehehe.. Rezeki murah sekarang nie. Every week ade je orang banjer makan. *makan je la keje haku sekarang..*

Fatin: Get well soon!